The VI Clean Coasts Eco-Certification Initiative helps businesses of the USVI improve their environmental footprint by offering guidance and support to develop customized strategies for your business, and it’s completely free!
The primary requirement for eco-certification is the removal of all expanded polystyrene (aka Styrofoam) from your business operations. Why do we target polystyrene and single-use plastics?
Single use plastics are detrimental to the environment and human health, impacting every part of the ocean food chain and human consumption. The VI Clean Coasts program encourages businesses to take a proactive approach to “greening” their practices by offering Eco-Certification and seed funding to incentivize the implementation of changes leading to the elimination of single-use plastics and other measures to make businesses more eco-friendly. Check out our most recent flyer here on the dangers of polystyrene to learn more.
Is your businesses a good fit for the Eco-Certification program?
- Do you own a business in the USVI?
- Are you ready to make a positive impact in the community?
- Do you want to show your clients and guests you are passionate about sustainability?
If you answered yes…apply here for FREE!
Join us and the 90+ other local businesses who have chosen to make a difference and show a commitment to a greener future in the Virgin Islands.
How Eco-Certification Works
Eliminate expanded polystyrene (ex: Styrofoam) entirely from your business.
Provide your business information in the form here.
The VI Clean Coasts Team will review your application and respond with a certification or suggestions on how to improve your application.
The VI Clean Coasts Team will share best practices and develop a custom program with recommended ways to make your business more eco-friendly.
Joining the initiative makes you eligible for seed FUNDING to implement changes and make your eco-friendly project a success!
Already Eco-Certified? See How Seed Funding Works
Continue your commitment to eliminating polystyrene and participating in the Eco-Certification program.
Provide your business information in the seed grant form here.
Seed grants are awarded to a max amount of $3500 and please note there is not a guarantee that your organization will be selected.
The VI Clean Coasts Team will review your application will either approve or provide suggestions on how to improve your application.
Provide proof of purchase of your eco-friendly equipment/project to receive reimbursement.
Past Seed Grant Recipients & Their Funded Eco-Friendly Projects
- St. Croix Yacht Club reusable bottles to eliminate single use polystyrene
- Buddha Sushi Dishwasher
- Can Printing Machine to eliminate stickers
- Subscription to online reservation system to eliminate paper
- Magens Bay Filling Station to reduce single use plastics
- Red Hook Dive Center Water Generator to reduce single use plastics
- Reverse Osmosis to reduce single use plastics
- Composting
- Metal Recycling
- Water Efficiency
- Energy Reduction
- Single-Use Plastic Removal
- Chemical & Pollution Reduction
- Erosion & Wastewater Management
- Amount of funding available
- Date of the organization’s application in the queue of proposals
- The environmental impact of the proposed project
- Seed grants can NOT be used to fund eco-friendly products that will be available for purchase to customers
All seed grants are one time awards so be aware of any recurring costs your business might need to budget in the future.
The preferred mechanism for seed grants are for your organization to purchase the eco-friendly items and VICC will reimburse. This is a case by case procedure. If the purchases cause a financial hardship for your organization, please let us know and we will work with you to find a suitable solution.